Our Services

FG represents your business in the technology decision

We could list all of our network and telecommunication services, but it’s easier to say that we do exactly what your business needs. Our team analyzes and assesses networks across all levels to deliver specific solutions to your problems. We can help you do anything, from securing federal funding to assessing your network to around-the-clock monitoring.  FG is dedicated to helping you network better.

Consulting Services

Whether you need assistance designing, building, or implementing network solutions, FG is at your side. With our team of seasoned experts, we have seen it all, and we are driven every day to find ways to help you network better.


Significantly reduce your broadband and telecommunications expenses with our funding service, FundCapture. This service combines an industry-leading tool with a team of experts. Capturing your maximum funding has never been easier.

Telecom Services

Managing diverse communication needs across a complex healthcare system requires a deep understanding of multi-provider services, invoices, and contracts and strict tracking of an ever-changing inventory of assets, introducing CarrierComplete.

Network Assessment Services

A three-part assessment tool comprised of a technology survey, network evaluation and strategic assessment. This tool will deliver benchmark results, an INFRAM assessment and a technology plan to achieve patient goals.

Network Operations and Management

One point of contact for everything from network management to day-to-day operations, we can help you monitor and maintain a network built for you. FG represents your business in the technology decision.