Pointcore Network Services (PCNS) is an innovative information technology company dedicated to delivering advanced network strategy and consultation to healthcare organizations. PCNS works in partnership with FG and Pointcore Inc., providing customers with advanced network and Healthcare IT expertise unequaled in the industry. PCNS is uniquely positioned to offer a full spectrum of network services including in-depth system consultation, critical infrastructure assessments, and delivery of state-of-the-art technology solutions.
LAN – Our specialized team assesses Layer 3 services in hospital and clinic environments. Pointcore Network Services provided advanced LAN management through our Plan, Build, Operate technology methodology.
WAN – Our team works with customers to understand their unique challenges and determine the most efficient solutions. After a site and technology evaluation, we provide recommendations including assessment findings, costs and an implementation plan.
VOICE – The benefits of VOIP communications model are numerous and go beyond simple cost simple cost savings. Customers have access to this technology without the associated problems of the system acquisition, finance, deployment, and support. Our team provides guidance and augments your VOIP telephony needs.
Wireless – Our assessment team will use a wide range of sensors, clients, apps, and agents to measure Wi-Fi performance and provide a wireless LAN services report outlining initiatives that helps increase operations efficiency and strength. You’ll receive a service report outlining initiatives that will increase operational efficiency and improve performance.
The PCNS team works in collaboration with PointCore, Inc., serving the healthcare industry through proven excellence in technology.
Learn more about Pointcore Services by watching the video overview.
When it’s time for critical infrastructure changes you want the best. Decades of working along side healthcare providers give us more than just industry knowledge, it gives us a real-life, behind-the-scenes, hands-on understanding of what you need to deliver superior patient care. When a LAN refresh is needed in a Tier I trauma center, we are there to ensure timing is perfect – without impact or risk to the patient.
We specialize in the rapidly changing and highly regulated healthcare industry. By building trusted relationship, we develop a deep understanding of the processes, culture and economic factors that impact the healthcare environment – both short-term and long-term.
The PCNS team is comprised of seasoned entrepreneurs, clinicians, technologists, and strategists with decades of industry experience. We understand healthcare technology. Let us help you create a better patient experience.
Faster, Safer, Better Tech:
OSF Saint Francis Saves More Than Money
Transforming Healthcare
Communications with Strategic Management
FG and PCNS Play Key
Role in OSF Healthcare’s New Headquarters
“PCNS is a network technology company that has a deep understanding of healthcare. They know which items are the heavy hitters on the network and the capacity they require,” Jim Mormann says. “They don’t just teach us about new technology; they show us how it should be used in the healthcare setting.” ~ Jim Mormann, CEO Shared Services and CEO Pointcore Inc.