FG network better

About Our Services

We could list all of our network and telecommunication services, but it’s easier to say that we do exactly what your business needs. Our team analyzes and assesses networks across all levels to deliver the specific solutions to your problems.

  • Consulting Services

  • Funding Services

  • Telecom Services

  • Network Assessment Services

  • Network Operations and Management

FG network better

We design the right connections

Relentlessly dedicated to helping
you network better.

  • Wide Area Networks
  • Local Area Networks
  • Strategic Services

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Learn More

FG has helped more than 1,800 sites in over 26 states transform their network. Add in 15,000 miles of mnaged fiber and the result for our clients is more than $154 Million in operational savings.


Network Sites

15.000 Miles

Managed Fiber

$154 Million

Operational Savings

FG network better

About Our Divisions

FG Strategic Services

If you’re here, then we’ll work with you to get there. Everything is designed to do what you need to do because we don’t believe in boxes.

Pointcore Network Services

All new network? No problem. Our network creation process is painless for our partners and the final product is truly transformative.

Fiberutilities Network Services

We watch over your network environment. 24/7/365. Because it’s the little things every day that prevent big problems.

FG network better

About FG Network

At your side. At your service. That’s FG.

It all started with a simple idea: Connection. Back then, FG was known as Fiberutilities Group, but the same entrepreneurial spirit continues to inspire our evolution as a team. We’ve always endeavored to be a great place to work and an even greater partner for our clients. We’re there. Today, our experience and track record are the difference between us and everyone else. But it’s also heart. Hunger.

Our Team Our Leadership

We Take Care of Your Technology Focus on Your Business

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